Monday, March 17, 2008

Hells Yeah

Just the other day I posted about how Wii Fit didn't think I would loose any weight. Well, I just now broke through my revised target weight. Wii Fit seemed quite surprised. Suck it, Wii Fit, suck it down!

Friday, March 14, 2008

It Figures

Every time I try to motivate myself to blog here more often, it always has the opposite effect.
Plus, I was supposed to be talking about my Wii Fit-ing and I kinda slacked off on that for a bit. But not no more. I've been averaging about 5 days a week, and that is pretty good. For me. And I've been loosing weight. Wii Fit told me there was no way I was going to be able to loose the amount of weight I wanted in the amount of time I wanted. So I changed my goals slightly. I changed it to 2 kilos in two months. I've been working away at that goal for 2 weeks now and I have half a kilo to go.

In your face Wii Fit!