Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Wii Fit/Me Fat

I'm once again trying to be more regular in me posts to this here corner of the blogosphere. Yeah, I hate that word too. I figure one way to make sure I update at least once a week is if I have something to report on on a weekly basis. Say, for example, I was trying to loose weight. Which I am. But I'm not so crazy as to join a gym or anything nutty like that. Heavens no. Instead, I am trying to Wii Fit every day for at least 30 minutes a day. I haven't been so great at the daily thing, but I haven't been all that bad either.

Making yoga and exercise into a videogame seems to work for me. Not that I've lost all that much weight.

I started this grand experiment on the seventh of this month. At that time I weighed about 84.4 kilos and had a BMI of 24.6. (I don't know what that means either). Today I weigh 83.1 kilos and have a BMI of 24.3. considering a person's weight can vary by a kilo a day, that isn't all that promising. But I do feel better. The stretching every day might be helping my back. And I seem to have more energy. But I'm more cranky.

Yay! What a great first Wii Fit post. hopefully I won't just post my weight and such each week. I hope I'll ramble on about other things since I'm typing anyways. That's the theory. We'll see how she goes.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I Don't Want To Be That Guy

Was out drinking with Carla and David and Fernanda last night. Over there at Captain Kangaroo's. The table next to us was filled with older white dudes. And by older I mean they could very well be the same age as me. But they were fatter and wrinklier. And all their efforts at talking with the girls at the bar met with failure.

I don't wanna be that guy.