Tuesday, July 27, 2004


This whole blogspot problem is getting to be a real problem. I've blogged twice since the eighth, but the posts seem to have vanished into the ether. Not that they were any good, I can't even remember what they were about. They were probably shorter than this one as well, but that ain't the point. The point is that they are gone. Grrrrr.

What I've been up to: not failing Japanese, planning trip for 2 to PAX, getting Japan trip stuff sorted out, attended an engagement party, Taste of Regina, other various sundries.

I still can't spell check my posts.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

The Problem With Blogging

Maybe it's just me, but my main problem with blogging is that you have to go online to do it. "Duh!" you say, but hear me out. I cannot go online without wasting vast amounts of time, it's just not in my nature. So I might come online for the soul purpose of blogging, but there's a good chance that I will log off 3 hours later having not blogged a whit.

And here's some irony for you, I was in Netscape and I tried to type this post but couldn't. For some reason I couldn only type in the title of the post, the body setion of the post writting screen was not available to me. So I couldn't write my post about the problem with posting.

I'm realizing, just now, that there's now no spell checker. I can't type in Netscape and I can't check my typing in Explorer. Methinks it is time to get a different browser.

Also, sorry about the typos.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

My Tongue Feels Like A Flaming Sponge

Today is my birthday. To celebrate, I got my wisdom teeth out. I was also supposed to have a Japanese exam, but I don't think that is happening.

My mouth feels weird. It's actually starting to hurt now, so I'm going to go.

On the up side: I haven't drooled on myself yet!

Friday, July 09, 2004

2 Posts Away From 150

But man, these things are becoming even more sporadic. Stupid busy life. Saw Dodgeball and Farenheight 9/11. Liked Dodgeball better. It didn't seem as pandering. Taking an intensve Japanese course. And going to see some Rockin' the Valley and then spending the weekend at the cabin.

I'm so, so, so behind in my blogging.

Saturday, July 03, 2004


I know that I have been somewhat lax in my updates. And a lot of stuff has happened. Saw Spiderman 2, had my last day of work, was an extra in a sci fi film, scrutineered and my dad is now a member of Parliament. Hopefully I'll get to blog all about all this soon.

But not now. It's storming out, and the dog is freaking out.