This is the post where I rub Kelley's face in the fact that I am in the land of videogames and he is not. Sure, he then might try to rub my face in the fact that the DS gets released in North America first but I'll still get to play it before him. There's a free videogame festival happening here in the middle of November. So there!
Anyhoo... whilst out wandering today, I stumbled across Sega World.

"A world of Sega?" I thought to myself, "If it's anything like Sega games, it'll be better in theory than in actual practice." Using that logic, I almost didn't investigate. But then I figured what the hell and went in anyway.
It was full of stuff. All sorts of videogames, arcade games to be more specific. Also, a lot of UFO Catcher games. Including one that had really wiggly jelly. It was weird. I tried to take a picture, but how does one convey the un-natural jiggly-wiggliness of jelly in a still photo? Enough about the non-arcade games though.
There was a whole section devoted to arcade Mah Jongg. Not all that exciting. Rows and rows and rows of Virtua Fighter: Final Tuned machines. Virtua Fighter is crazy popular here in Japan. Tonnes of machines everywhere, and most of the machines are always being played.
There were a lot of multiplayer arcade games going on, and I bet none of them will ever come to North America.

First up is this game, whose name I never bothered to learn. It's a card-based strategy turn-based RPG. Utilizing the large touch screen in front of them, players pick and use their various cards. The screen in front of them then shows what's going on around their character's immediate area whilst the massive screen up front shows the big picture. I believe this game can be played co-operatively or head to head.
Next up is

this here football as in soccer game. Once again multiplayer. Once again multi-screen. Once again touch sensitive. See those little fields next to every unit? Those are part of the control layout. Nuts huh? Once again, the player's screen shows them the close up action, the big main screen shows of the big picture or highlights particularly cool actions.
There was other stuff of note. Including...

The dog walking game. I didn't play it. But I will. Oh yes. I will.
I loved Typing of the Dead on the Dreamcast. It's because of that game that I can type more than 3 words a minute.

Well it's not just a play at home game any more. That's right. Now you can type in the safety and comfort of your local arcade. Chicks dig typing. Chicks dig killing the undead. Finally a game that brings the two together in the most chick friendly place of all: the arcade.
Here's a picture of a couple of light gun games.

One is an underwater type game, the other is based on the Lupin The Third anime.
When speaking of light gun games, you have to mention Virtua Cop. It's the game that made the genre popular again. I've always loved the Virtua Cop games, they're like John Woo video games. Lots of guns, lots of bullets, lots of non-descript guys in dark suits. Virtua Cop 3 is more of the same, but now even more John Woo-Y. That's right, now there's plenty of slow motion. All sorts of bullet time craziness. I took a picture, but it's too blurry to post. That's okay though, cuz I live in a land where there are crazy cool arcades every which way I turn.
Plus hot chicks who want to have sex with me. I swear to god, if you want to fuck a Japanese girl, fly over here to Japan and go to a club. Any club. You'll be good to go.
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