Friday, October 29, 2004


I am a little creeped out right about now. One of our neighbours is an American named Tim. Right now he is trying to seduce a Japanese girl. He's got some crap slow R&B music playing, heavy on the bass, and he's laughing way too much. A real creepy laugh. Like you'd hear coming out of a twelve year old boy who's pretty sure he's about to see a boobie, but coming out of a leacherous old man. High and desperate and forced. Creepy. I don't like it. I don't like how it's a student of his that he's trying to fuck. That's a little wrong. At first I thought he had hired himself a lady friend, but then I heard some of their conversation and it was about speaking English well.

Maybe I should describe Tim a bit. He's a thick man. I'm trying to think of an easy comparison. A name or actor that would make everyone go "Oh, I know that guy!" But I can't. He's about 5'10, older than me(but not by much), with short dark hair. He looks like he used to be in shape but has just been coasting these last few years and most of his muscle has turned to fat. He'd still be able to kick the shit out of me, but he'd be really winded at the end of it. His most striking feature is his birthmark, it's on his face. A violent pink splotch that covers about a fifth of his face, centered around his right eye. He struck me as a creep right off the bat, so maybe I'm judging him a bit harshly. But my gut is usually not wrong.

God, there's that laugh again. I really don't like the sound of it. There's a greasy, evil undercurrent to it. Like the twelve year old is thinking to himself, "If I don't get to see that boob, I'm going to go drown a kitten."

I hope he moves.

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