Tekken 5 is out now in the arcades here and everyone is all in a tizzy.

We stopped by an arcade, a Namco arcade to check it out. The first thing we saw was this promo video, showing off the new features of the game. Basically, anything that was good about Virtua Fighter 4 in the arcade, Tekken rips it off and pretends it came up with the idea all on its own. You can play against players all over Japan via TekkenNet. You can unlock stuff, new costumes and such, and save it to a memory card. You are graded on how well you fight. Plus, there's new characters. At least three. Probably more. Not that it matters. It seems all Tekken Players in Japan use Paul. In the short time we were in that arcade, we saw countless Paul vs. Paul matches. Other than his hair, I just don't see Paul's appeal. It is common knowledge that Paul is a shit name and only stupid people who eat their own waste are called by said name.

All that being said, there were a fair few people waiting in line to play Tekken. From what I could tell from the sidelines, the game looks like a prettier Tekken 4. Which was a prettier Tekken 3, which was a prettier Tekken 2, which was a hell of a lot better looking than Tekken 1. As you can tell, I ain't the world's biggest Tekken fan. I've played them all, save for 5, and I like them all. But I don't own any of them. I wait until they are released on a home console, I rent them, I unlock everything and then I go back to playing Soul Calibur, DOA3 and Melee.

Here is a picture of Paul in action. He's a bit blurry, in a vain attempt at disguising how lame he is. But we all know his terrible secret. He's a Paul, and always will be.
There was plenty of other stuff to play other than T5, including some more really interesting games that will never make it to North America.

Like this here sword fighting game. Meaning, you pick up the sword attached to the machine and swing it around to dispatch the enemies on screen. Like a light gun game but with a sword. There's a bit of skill involved too, as you can dodge, parry and even perform combos. Pretty Nifty.

Pretty Fucking bizzare is this game. A comedy game, if my understanding of Japanese is to be trusted (and it is not!). Basically, you follow the action on screen and slap and beat the crap out of the dummy provided in order to make the audience laugh. Never saw anyone play it and I didn't play it myself as there's now way I would be able to read the onscreen prompts fast enough.

Quest of D was there in full effect. I still don't know much more about this game than what I related last time I spoke of it, but now I have pictures of it! Woot! I even have pictures of the touch screen being used!

LOOK! Look there! She is touching the screen, making magic with her fingertip! Truly a powerful wiccan is she! Behold her vast command of the arcane arts!

Virtua Cop 3 was there if you wanted to shoot things. There was also a strange ping pong game. That's all for now.
Wait, I wanna give a shout out to my good friend Paul. He loves the cock almost as much as Mickey. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Except that Paul likes the shit encrusted cock, which I think is a little unhygienic.
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