If I keep going at this rate I'll be blogging about tomorrow next week and next week next month and next month next year.
That sounds about right.
Not much happened on Saturday. Played some DeathSpank (totally worth the 15 bucks) and Dragon Quest 9 (totally worth the 3 bucks I spent on it).
Neither the name of, nor the engraving on my iPod were my idea. I just know awesome people.
Also watched a lot of How I Met Your Mother. Enjoyable show. Nothing earth-shaking or genre-breaking, but filled with likeable folk interacting in often enjoyable ways. The earlier seasons had a greater hit to miss ratio tho.
On the way home on Awesome Friday we were treated to some great lightning. One in particular was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was like lightning erupted from the middle of the cloud. Bolts shot out in all directions, covering a large expanse of sky. It was pretty cool.
Yeah, the spider lightning, I saw that!
So cool, right?
But now that you have associated it with spiders I find it less cool and slightly more ominous. Stupid spiders.
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