Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

I think I like having a day's distance between my life and this blog. Lets things stew in the brain juice.

Not that any great bursts of insight occurred to me about Friday.

Friday was a good day. My ipod touch arrived in the mail. I shall call it iPodcalypse Now and on its shiny backside is inscribed "Byte my shiny metal apps." It is a good pod and I love it.

Haven't actually touched other than to get it grubby with my fingerprints, I'm not gonna do anything major with it till it is safely ensconced inside some sort of... thing.

I downloaded Deathspank on my PS3 and continued playing Dragon Quest 9 on my DS. So I'm getting my RPG itch scratched quite nicely.

Saw Inception.

Inception is the best film I have seen this year, which is damning it with faint praise, so let me try to give my praise some smelling salts or some such.

Inception is impressive on every level. Looks great, sounds great, great performances, great writing.

Great great great.

After I see it a few more times I may write more about it, but I don't want to go into any sort of detail just yet. As watching how it all unfolds is a great part of its charm.

This film would be compelling even if all the action were absent, but the action elevates it.

The film works on as many levels as there are levels.

After the film we all went to Montana's. Which I keep forgetting is my favourite of the chain restaurants. The beef ribs put it over the top. I had some beef ribs. And half a chicken. And cornbread and veggies and twice smashed taters. And a couple desserts.

Plus Carla let slip that it was basically my birthday, so they made me put on a big stupid hat and sang at me. Not even that could put a dent in this day.

It was a good day.


HookerS said...

Was "bite" the word that raised apple censorship flags? I like the revision muchly regardless!

Tyler said...

"Bite my" anything is a phrase that raises the apple hackles.