Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hello Monday!

This is the week wherein I turn 35.


So this is me writing. Because I really should do that more.

It is a sad sad thing that the highest grossing movie of the year was Alice in Wonderland. That was a horrendous movie, a misfire on every level. And I didn't even see it in 3D, which would have added an extra dimension of suck.

Whenever a word contains a doubled letter, I rarely double the right letter, I usually double the letters on one side or the other. I wonder if there is some sort of scientific name for that?

Back to what I was talking about before, I'm glad that Toy Story 3 is now the highest grossing movie of the year. I haven't seen it yet but there is no way it could be worse than Alice in Wonderland. Good year for Disney it would seem.

Whenever I go into an electronics store, I always point all the youtubes towards my Japan videos. That's just how I role.

The thing that I liked most about The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was that it didn't over explain things. A lot of stuff happened and the film just assumed you could keep up. I liked that.

I liked that because I have seen a couple otherwise enjoyable flicks this summer that insulted me with their...

The A-Team could have been about 10 minutes shorter because it spends about that much of its running time repeating itself. It flashes back to stuff that was onscreen not 15 minutes ago. Just in case you weren't paying attention. Hey A Team: I wasn't paying all that much attention and I still found all that repetition pointless and stupid.

I never thought that my biggest beef with the A Team movie would be that it talked down to me.

Most laptop keyboards are not all that great for typing. That seems almost criminal, when you think about it.

Knight and Day was not as insulting as A Team, but I don't need the characters onscreen to read aloud and remark upon every bit of text that appears onscreen.

That Dragon Tattoo movie sure did have a lot of rape, boy howdy.


HookerS said...

If you think laptop key boards are cumbersome, wait till you get a netbook... Chrome tells me till is spelled with 2 l's, I didn't know that.

Tyler said...

Don't know if I will ever have a laptop. Not how I roll. I like things large and in charge. Like my wallet, and like this brand new MacBook I am typing on. I like the MacBook keyboard.