Sunday, November 06, 2005

Why Was I Not Informed?

I think I may have mentioned somewhere that November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoRiMo). And I think that is just a damn fine idea. But yesterday I missed out on the chance to participate in an even better idea. Saturday, November 5th was (Inter)National Drunken Writing Day. You open up your blogging device of preference, you start to drink, you continue to drink, you get dead drunk and you try to write all the while. Before you pass out, or maybe after, you can spell check it (optional) and then you must submit. And you can't delete it later. Sounds like my kind of fun. But I didn't hear about it until today. God damn it!

I, also, think this box has been glued.

That is something I might type whilst under the influence of wheat and/or barley and/or potatoes and/or whatever else people can make hooch outta. Apples, say.

But I am not drunk right now, I typed what I typed above because I heard Carla say it and then I typed it down. It fills up the space, it does. The only problem, I suppose, with writing while shit faced is that I already suck at typing. I've been getting steadily better, I may actually be able to beat Typing of the Dead upon my return, but I still ain't anywhere close to good. I imagine tasty libations may widen that gulf, while simultaneously making that same gulf seem to unwiden. Yeah, the poor spell checker might asplode. Which is hard for a non-physical thing to do, but not impossible.

According to Nike, "Impossible is nothing". But then, they're dicks.

You may think that even though I claim sobriety I am actually imbibing most egregiously. You would be wrong. I am not drunk, just exceptionally tired. I played basketball today. More to the point, I was surrounded by people playing basketball today while I practiced and worked on my awkward flailing. It's really coming along.

The worst part about writing while fit shaced, I suppose, is the ever present danger of blowing chunks on the computer. That last sentence back there? I typed blow chinks, which is even more offensive than blowing chunks. Which is surprising really since chunks is my dog. "Why chunks with a small c?" you ask. (God Damn! Y'allz be hard to shock) Back in the day I did use to call my dog Chunks, but the capitalization thing just went straight to his head. You all know me. You all know how I roll. Ain't no way I'm going to suck on a conceited dog's cock.

Pardon me, I'm going to go return some videos and maybe rent some more. Be back soon.

Didn't rent anything new. We've got too much junk on the hard drive that we haven't watched yet. We gotta clean this bad boy off. It's chugging.

Ow. Typing hurts. I jammed my finger during basketball and it hurts.

Maybe I should go into more detail about my basketball experience. But I don't think I will. It was a fun, yet very emasculating experience. I was the tallest guy on the court, but the most useless. Well, Ben may have been more useless but not by much. Most of the other guys there were fairly good. Of course, their recording studio is next door to the court we played on. That might have something to do with something.

There was one girl who played with us, but her shirt was too loose to see anything going on as she ran. And she smokes. They all smoke. As soon as a game was done, they would light up. But neither they nor I experienced any shortness of breath. Yay breath! And yay after-baketball naps. That was nice. Boy, I sure do enjoy our new bed. It be sleep-tastic!

During our walk to return the videos, we stopped by a combini (as you do). I've mentioned man before, yes? Man can mean a few different things in Japanese. It's ten thousand and it's also a hot bun filled with stuff. Like a Chinese bun. You can get all sorts of man from the combinis here. The one I partook of this evening was a mushroom stew man and it was kinda tasty. I am gonna miss the man when I go home. Sure 7-11 has all kinds of overly salty snacks, some of which are even edible. I seem to recall not hating something called Taquitos.

Well, basketball was a bust word-wise, and my finger is getting more irate the more I write so I'm agonna wrap it up. L8terz!

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