Sorry about that there previous post. I am even more sorry that I don't really have much of an idea of what I'm going to write about today. Tomorrow should be a bit easier, we're heading to a big flea market and those things are always at least a little interesting. Plus it seems that I am going to be playing basketball tomorrow. I'm not sure how or why. Hmm... maybe I should go buy some shorts. I'm not sure what the etiquette is. All my other shorts require belts, are belts kosher in B-Ball? I don't know these things. Oh man, they're all going to laugh at me.
But that will all be grist for tomorrow's mill, whereas today's mill is looking very grist-less. I've always meant to approach my movie reviewing with a bit more... profesionality-ism... ness? But whenever I write such a review, it doesn't sound like ME. I still haven't cracked that nut. Maybe I should keep whacking at it here, on this blog. That would certainly take up more than enough time and space. It might even be useful. Well then, it's settled: I'm too lazy to actually follow through with it.
This is something that always gets me down. My lack of word wrangling ability. I should be a much more accomplished word wrangler. I have all these ideas in my head, but somewhere between the grey of my brain and the black of these keys it all goes pear shaped. Once in a great while it all works perfectly, but it has been a great while since it last happened.
OOOPS! Got a little too introspective there.
Maybe I just need to post on one of my other blogs. Variety is a spicy lunch and all that. I have been meaning to talk a bit about our neighbourhood. It's nice, we like it, and I think it's about time we paint a word type picture of it. Or I could use, like, actual pictures. I have the technology. Plus, if pictures are worth thousands of words, as leading scientists have led me to believe, then just one of those babies would put me up over my daily minimum. But maybe that would be cheating.
Or I could go to my videogame blog and write up something. I have been gaming a lot lately. Mainly old games though, trying to catch up and all that. And next weekend is the Osaka Games Festa, so maybe I'll just wait till then. I could write about Jack Thompson. But to much thought has been wasted on that horribly thoughtless man. I do heartily approve of the motion that whenever someone uses the phrase batshit insane on the intraweb, they must link to Thompson's entry in wikipedia. Like I did just there. That way Thompson and batshit insane will forever be associated together in our hearts and minds. And all search engines. That's something I can get behind.
I also brought that up so I could somewhat smoothly segue into this: I read about the whole JT thing on Eric Burns' Eric (I feel like such a phony calling a man I've never met by his first name, but I can't refer to him as Burns. I'll get confused and start talking about Simpsons stuff. And Eric is more of a Fat Comic Book Guy than a Burns.) uses websnark to talk about and critique webcomics. And anything else that he may want to talk about.
And he uses lots of words. Lots and lots of words at times. And he has a couple webcomics of his own and he's writing a novel this month because that is what you do in November. His word count on said novel is up over 15 thousand. I don't think I've broke a grand yet. That just makes me feel bad. Not that more words equals better books or blogs. But the fact that he can tap so freely into the inkpot in the sky and scrawl out so prolifically without getting his parchment all smudgy and gross humbles me.
But hey, lookee here! This post has more words in it than the last one and it weren't near as hard to type out. If only it worked like this all the time. Only, maybe, it would be better if I could also manage to make these posts interesting.
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