Monday, August 23, 2010


Not the crappy American horror movie from the 80's or the medical drama with Hugh Laurie, but the bugshit crazy Japanese movie from the 70's.

I don't know if words can convey what watching this movie is like.

It seems like whoever wrote this film, directed this film and edited this film had never been involve with film before. This is a film of wild exuberance. An everything and the kitchen sink approach. The film shifts so rapidly between tones that it may give you whiplash. I can see how people may hate this film.

So what is it all about? A girl and her friends (stereotypes all, with names like Gorgeous, Melody, Professor and such) invite themselves to the girls aunt's house for a summer vacation. The girl, Gorgeous, has not seen the aunt in years and may have only met her the once. The girls go the house and things go crazy.

How crazy? Deadly futon attacks. A dude turns into a pile of bananas. Flying heads biting bottoms. Pointless nudity. Bizarre editing and sub-amateurish special effects. Pointless green screening. Freeze frames and dissolves for no reason. Music that makes no sense mixed poorly with the dialogue.

So crazy. Impossible to describe. There is no real through line to follow, the people involved just seemed to shoot whatever came to mind and then threw it all together.

It sounds like it should be a disaster, but it is so unlike anything else that it is definitely worth a watch. I might even buy it on Blu Ray, especially if there is any sort of commentary track.

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