Monday, June 01, 2009

Crank and Rambo

Wow. These movies are crazy.

Crank starts off crazy and just keeps on being crazy. Nothing gets in the way of its craziness. Not the budget, nothing. This is a cheap looking film. But a good looking film. You can tell just how fake some of the shots are, but the shots are cool so you understand why they wanted them in. Cheesy effects or no.

It has a crazy internal logic. A comic book/ video game logic. It just appeals to me.

Rambo does not start off crazy. It starts off with footage of real life atrocities. It turned my stomach. I don't like real life violence. Well... real life bullet and war related violence. Real life Mixed Martial Arts based violence is fine by me.

And gratuitous movie violence? Love the hell out of it. Which means I was squealing with glee for the last half an hour of Rambo. I had read about the violence in this movie. It did not prepare me. Nothing prepares you for a hat floating above red goo. Or a truck full o' folks just kinda disappearing in a cloud of bullets and gore.


Good times.

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