Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Spirit



It is hard to put in to words what I think of The Spirit. Mainly because I have no idea what I think of The Spirit. I mean, I know that it is in no way a good film. It is poorly put together. In many ways.

But everything wrong also seems to work. At least, for me. I know that the writing is horrendous, but I dug the hell out of it. Same with the acting and the editing and so on and so forth.

It is amazing how singular this vision is. I no way do I believe that this is Will Eisner's vision. This is all Frank Miller. This is all tits and hatred of eggs and strange weirdness.

I am so glad that Frank Miller got to make this. It was his first film, and he was coming off the cachet of Sin City and 300 and he was given free reign to do whatever the hell he wanted. And he did.

Anyone else, I'd imagine, would have listened to some sort of voice of reason. I'm not really sure that Miller has any reasonable voices in his head.

The purity of the WTF-ness of this movie is...

I think I need to stop now and try to organize my thoughts.

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