I didn't really try that hard in college.
Christ, I'm having trouble remembering all what I played.
Mario64x4: Didn't like it as much as I thought I would. This game needs analogue control. I mean that in the most serious, literal way possible. This was the game that introduced analogue control to the consoles. I know that you can use the Touch! screen to effect quasi-analogue control, but it wasn't nearly as responsive as it needed to be. Without the faint resistance of an analogue stick, it was much harder to get the precision I wanted. And the control pad? Forget it.
All that being said, the game was still great. But a great port of a fantastic game is still disappointing. The minigames were fun. I didn't get to try them all out, but the ones I did try took great advantage of the system and were easy to pick up and play. I didn't get to try the multiplayer though.
I tried the Wario Ware DS game and... wario games are just fantastic. Pure genius! You know how you can tell when a game is pure genius? Tommy Tallarico doesn't get it. Fuck that midget is dumb pile of fuck. But back to WarioWare (Called Made In Wario over here): back before the DS, I was a bit worried that they might run out of ideas. Cuz every new games needs at least 300 mini games in it, at least half of those new, that's a lot of little games. When I saw that the GameCube game didn't really add anything but multiplayer, I got a bit concerned. The game was still stupidly fun, but I was afraid it might Ware out its welcome sooner than I would like. Did you see what I did there? With the pun? Yeah, I'm just that good.
But all my doubts were for naught. The new GBA game that was just released a little while ago here in Japan has a motion sensor which opens up all sorts of new games. The DS offers nigh-limitless possibilities. Silly me, I had forgotten all about that Nintendo innovates.
So yeah, Wario DS is fantastic. Is it a launch game over in North America? It should be. This game is a system seller. Way more than Mario 64x4. I love the little touches in this game. When rounds are only 5 seconds long, why would they even bother with the little touches? Because they are Nintendo. There's a minigame where all you have to do is draw a line between two buildings so a stick man can escape a fire. Easy. But the line is almost never perfectly straight, there's bumps and dips and such. And the stick man moves along these bumps and such perfectly as he moves between the buildings. I love that. Tonnes of minigames, the likes of which you've never had to do before in a video game.
I didn't get to try out Pictochat because my Japanese is crap.

Played Shadow of Rome by Capcom. I enjoyed it. But I sucked at it. I think the buttons corresponded to your limbs, but I never really got used to it. Mainly I just threw my sword at people. Not on purpose. Lots of blood, that was nice. The camera was a bit crap though, so that was not so good. I didn't play any of the stealth sections, but I think I've mentioned my thoughts on stealth missions before.
If not, here they are in quick form. Unless it's Zelda, Metal Gear, or a game involving ninjas, spies or Sam Fisher, leave stealth the fuck out of my game. For some reason, developers seem to think that it adds variety to their games. Mainly it just adds frustration.
The best part of playing Shadow of Rome was that I was right next to the Devil May Cry 3 machines. There are some cool ass real time cinemas in that game. The combat looks pretty good too. Resident Evil for is still god-damn gorgeous and still controls a bit sloppy for my liking.

The other thing I should mention about Capcom's section is that it's weird seeing the Capcom logo on Tom Clancy games.

I guess since I mentioned it in my last post, I should probably talk about Metal Gear Solid 3. I can't say that much about it because I didn't play that much of it. I picked up the controller, started a new game, skipped the opening cinema because I just wanted to play the game damnit. Then the codec screen popped up. I jammed on the buttons to skip through the dialogue, but it just kept going. And going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going. And going. I finally gained control of Snake, so I tried doing all sorts of things. I succeeded only in shooting some alligators, watched them lamely disappear and then drowned myself in a swamp. That was my experience with MGS3:Half as Much Talking as Last Time, But Still 5 Times as Much Talking as This Game Actually Needs.

I played some DOA:Ultimate and was dismayed that I forgot most of Tina's moves. But she still had boobies, so I wasn't that upset.
Can't really think of what else I played. Viewtiful Joe 2 was good. DS was god. Rogue Agent was crap. All the Japanese girls were cute and hot.

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