I can tell when I've been lax in my blogging. If Kelley's blog has updated since the last ime I've blogged, I've been lazy. That's not so much a knock on Kelley as it is an indicator of my slightly competitive nature.
I have been busy trying to find work. And getting into a bit of a funk about not finding any. It sucks that morons who come over solely for the pussy are getting hired instead of me. They should either give me their job or their girlfriend.
I still don't know how to continue the story. I want to go back and re-write the last entry, add a lot more detail. Describe the stable in depth. But I won't. I'll figure something out. Or I'll give up.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
More Festa
But now it has been over a week since the Festa and I just can't seem to get myself all worked up over it again. It was a good time. But I'm not sure what else I can really say about most of the games I played. But, for you kids, I'll give it the old college try.
I didn't really try that hard in college.
Christ, I'm having trouble remembering all what I played.
Mario64x4: Didn't like it as much as I thought I would. This game needs analogue control. I mean that in the most serious, literal way possible. This was the game that introduced analogue control to the consoles. I know that you can use the Touch! screen to effect quasi-analogue control, but it wasn't nearly as responsive as it needed to be. Without the faint resistance of an analogue stick, it was much harder to get the precision I wanted. And the control pad? Forget it.
All that being said, the game was still great. But a great port of a fantastic game is still disappointing. The minigames were fun. I didn't get to try them all out, but the ones I did try took great advantage of the system and were easy to pick up and play. I didn't get to try the multiplayer though.
I tried the Wario Ware DS game and... wario games are just fantastic. Pure genius! You know how you can tell when a game is pure genius? Tommy Tallarico doesn't get it. Fuck that midget is dumb pile of fuck. But back to WarioWare (Called Made In Wario over here): back before the DS, I was a bit worried that they might run out of ideas. Cuz every new games needs at least 300 mini games in it, at least half of those new, that's a lot of little games. When I saw that the GameCube game didn't really add anything but multiplayer, I got a bit concerned. The game was still stupidly fun, but I was afraid it might Ware out its welcome sooner than I would like. Did you see what I did there? With the pun? Yeah, I'm just that good.
But all my doubts were for naught. The new GBA game that was just released a little while ago here in Japan has a motion sensor which opens up all sorts of new games. The DS offers nigh-limitless possibilities. Silly me, I had forgotten all about that Nintendo innovates.
So yeah, Wario DS is fantastic. Is it a launch game over in North America? It should be. This game is a system seller. Way more than Mario 64x4. I love the little touches in this game. When rounds are only 5 seconds long, why would they even bother with the little touches? Because they are Nintendo. There's a minigame where all you have to do is draw a line between two buildings so a stick man can escape a fire. Easy. But the line is almost never perfectly straight, there's bumps and dips and such. And the stick man moves along these bumps and such perfectly as he moves between the buildings. I love that. Tonnes of minigames, the likes of which you've never had to do before in a video game.
I didn't get to try out Pictochat because my Japanese is crap.
Played Shadow of Rome by Capcom. I enjoyed it. But I sucked at it. I think the buttons corresponded to your limbs, but I never really got used to it. Mainly I just threw my sword at people. Not on purpose. Lots of blood, that was nice. The camera was a bit crap though, so that was not so good. I didn't play any of the stealth sections, but I think I've mentioned my thoughts on stealth missions before.
If not, here they are in quick form. Unless it's Zelda, Metal Gear, or a game involving ninjas, spies or Sam Fisher, leave stealth the fuck out of my game. For some reason, developers seem to think that it adds variety to their games. Mainly it just adds frustration.
The best part of playing Shadow of Rome was that I was right next to the Devil May Cry 3 machines. There are some cool ass real time cinemas in that game. The combat looks pretty good too. Resident Evil for is still god-damn gorgeous and still controls a bit sloppy for my liking.
The other thing I should mention about Capcom's section is that it's weird seeing the Capcom logo on Tom Clancy games.
I guess since I mentioned it in my last post, I should probably talk about Metal Gear Solid 3. I can't say that much about it because I didn't play that much of it. I picked up the controller, started a new game, skipped the opening cinema because I just wanted to play the game damnit. Then the codec screen popped up. I jammed on the buttons to skip through the dialogue, but it just kept going. And going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going. And going. I finally gained control of Snake, so I tried doing all sorts of things. I succeeded only in shooting some alligators, watched them lamely disappear and then drowned myself in a swamp. That was my experience with MGS3:Half as Much Talking as Last Time, But Still 5 Times as Much Talking as This Game Actually Needs.
I played some DOA:Ultimate and was dismayed that I forgot most of Tina's moves. But she still had boobies, so I wasn't that upset.
Can't really think of what else I played. Viewtiful Joe 2 was good. DS was god. Rogue Agent was crap. All the Japanese girls were cute and hot.
I didn't really try that hard in college.
Christ, I'm having trouble remembering all what I played.
Mario64x4: Didn't like it as much as I thought I would. This game needs analogue control. I mean that in the most serious, literal way possible. This was the game that introduced analogue control to the consoles. I know that you can use the Touch! screen to effect quasi-analogue control, but it wasn't nearly as responsive as it needed to be. Without the faint resistance of an analogue stick, it was much harder to get the precision I wanted. And the control pad? Forget it.
All that being said, the game was still great. But a great port of a fantastic game is still disappointing. The minigames were fun. I didn't get to try them all out, but the ones I did try took great advantage of the system and were easy to pick up and play. I didn't get to try the multiplayer though.
I tried the Wario Ware DS game and... wario games are just fantastic. Pure genius! You know how you can tell when a game is pure genius? Tommy Tallarico doesn't get it. Fuck that midget is dumb pile of fuck. But back to WarioWare (Called Made In Wario over here): back before the DS, I was a bit worried that they might run out of ideas. Cuz every new games needs at least 300 mini games in it, at least half of those new, that's a lot of little games. When I saw that the GameCube game didn't really add anything but multiplayer, I got a bit concerned. The game was still stupidly fun, but I was afraid it might Ware out its welcome sooner than I would like. Did you see what I did there? With the pun? Yeah, I'm just that good.
But all my doubts were for naught. The new GBA game that was just released a little while ago here in Japan has a motion sensor which opens up all sorts of new games. The DS offers nigh-limitless possibilities. Silly me, I had forgotten all about that Nintendo innovates.
So yeah, Wario DS is fantastic. Is it a launch game over in North America? It should be. This game is a system seller. Way more than Mario 64x4. I love the little touches in this game. When rounds are only 5 seconds long, why would they even bother with the little touches? Because they are Nintendo. There's a minigame where all you have to do is draw a line between two buildings so a stick man can escape a fire. Easy. But the line is almost never perfectly straight, there's bumps and dips and such. And the stick man moves along these bumps and such perfectly as he moves between the buildings. I love that. Tonnes of minigames, the likes of which you've never had to do before in a video game.
I didn't get to try out Pictochat because my Japanese is crap.

Played Shadow of Rome by Capcom. I enjoyed it. But I sucked at it. I think the buttons corresponded to your limbs, but I never really got used to it. Mainly I just threw my sword at people. Not on purpose. Lots of blood, that was nice. The camera was a bit crap though, so that was not so good. I didn't play any of the stealth sections, but I think I've mentioned my thoughts on stealth missions before.
If not, here they are in quick form. Unless it's Zelda, Metal Gear, or a game involving ninjas, spies or Sam Fisher, leave stealth the fuck out of my game. For some reason, developers seem to think that it adds variety to their games. Mainly it just adds frustration.
The best part of playing Shadow of Rome was that I was right next to the Devil May Cry 3 machines. There are some cool ass real time cinemas in that game. The combat looks pretty good too. Resident Evil for is still god-damn gorgeous and still controls a bit sloppy for my liking.

The other thing I should mention about Capcom's section is that it's weird seeing the Capcom logo on Tom Clancy games.

I guess since I mentioned it in my last post, I should probably talk about Metal Gear Solid 3. I can't say that much about it because I didn't play that much of it. I picked up the controller, started a new game, skipped the opening cinema because I just wanted to play the game damnit. Then the codec screen popped up. I jammed on the buttons to skip through the dialogue, but it just kept going. And going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going. And going. I finally gained control of Snake, so I tried doing all sorts of things. I succeeded only in shooting some alligators, watched them lamely disappear and then drowned myself in a swamp. That was my experience with MGS3:Half as Much Talking as Last Time, But Still 5 Times as Much Talking as This Game Actually Needs.

I played some DOA:Ultimate and was dismayed that I forgot most of Tina's moves. But she still had boobies, so I wasn't that upset.
Can't really think of what else I played. Viewtiful Joe 2 was good. DS was god. Rogue Agent was crap. All the Japanese girls were cute and hot.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Love Jam
Why No Pictures?
I meant for there to be some pictures in my Game Festa entry, but my uploader program is a little moody right now. I'll put them up some time soon. Japanese chicks is hawt!
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Japan Games Festa
So, it was mentioned on my other blog that Carla and I attended the Japan Games Festa. And that it was good. Both those statements are true. If that is all you need to know, then you can probably stop reading now. Cuz I'm gonna go way more in depth about it. Geeky crazy more in depth. Or maybe I'll get tired and do a really half-assed job.
As I mentioned on my other site, the first game I tried out was one from Sega called kimi no tame nara shineru. Loosely translated, it means "I would die for you". The American title is Feel the Magic: XX/XY or somesuch. And it was good. As were the shirts that the people wore to promote the game. As was the cute Japanese girl who whispered words of encouragement as I tried to get the guy in the game to vomit up goldfish. She clapped when I succeeded. That made me happy.
The game was harder than I was expecting, mainly because the people in line in front of me didn't seem to have nearly the problems I did. Maybe because I held the stylus funny, I don't know. I still had fun. The DS, I am willing to state right now, will be pantloads of fun.
While I was waiting in line to play the DS, (the DS games had the biggest lines in the show. Followed closely, or tied, by Capcom's Biohazard 4 and Devil May Cry 3) I looked at some of the other games on display around where I was standing. There was some kind of RPG that looked cute and good, full of hand drawn sprite-y goodness. Shining Tears it may have been called. Next to that were some Altered Beast demo units. I meant to go back and play them later but I never did. Looked like a 3-D beat-em-up with gruesome CG transformation cut scenes. There was some Outrun 2 which I also didn't play and some fighting games that I also didn't play. Wow, I really didn't play a lot of Sega games, really only the one, because it will be released on a Nintendo system. Man, Kelly must hate me right now. To be fair, I meant to go back and play Altered Beast, and I didn't want to be embarrassed in front of elite Japanese haxxorz when I suxxored at Outrun 2 and the 2-D fighters. I didn't want to loose face.
Opposite all these Sega games were a whole lot of EA games and a dating simulation game. I didn't play the dating sim, but one time when I looked over, an anime girl in a short skirt was sitting on some guy's face. Looked like fun. Anyhoo, EA had a fair few games on display. The Lord of the Rings RPG was there. It looked nice, from what I could see when other people played it. I didn't play it myself, as the menu screens were full of kanji that I couldn't read. There was Need For Speed Underground 2 which looked much like the first. I wasn't interested in the first one either. Burnout 3 was there, but I own that game. It rocks. I meant to play that game at some point during the day as well. Then there were a lot of sports games. Then there was Goldeneye: Rogue Agent. It was playable on both the PS2 and the Gamecube. Every other game in the whole hall had line ups except for the Rogue Agent demo units. I know that the Japanese aren't all that fond of First Person Shooters, but this was kind of ridiculous. Plus, as I later saw, the Halo2 section of Demo units always had a line and all 5 of their machines were always in use.
I'm gonna break from strict chronology here. You see, I didn't play Goldeneye: Rogue Agent right away, Carla and I wandered the floor after the Sega DS game (BUY IT!). I came back to Rogue Agent (I refuse to call it Goldeneye) much later in the day. I'm gonna talk about it now though, because it was easily the worst game I played all day and I don't want it bothering me later.
So yeah, when I went back to play it the first time, the Cube version wasn't working. It was on some kind of error message and no combination of button pushing would get it to do anything. Maybe I am a bit biased, but I think the GameCube is the most stable console on the market right now. The PS2, and my feelings towards it are fairly well known. I think it sucks. I think PS2s are manufactured with built in obsolescence. And not the regular, "Have to buy the PS3!" obsolescence, but having to buy multiple PS2s cuz they crap out obsolescence. The XBox is flaky as well. I've lost count of the number of demo units I've seen in game stores with error messages on their screens. The GameCube is not without it's faults but it's a sturdier piece of hardware. I'm willing to bet that the error message from the Rogue Agent game had nothing to do with a malfunction in the Cube. Rather, it was some crap code that EA missed cuz they shit out crap product. Or maybe there wasn't a memory card inserted. EA, unlike every other publisher/developer out there can't seem to figure out how to make their games run without memory cards. It's fucking annoying.
The second time I went back, it was stuck on a different screen.
Why didn't I play the PS2 version? Because I am biased, that's why. Plus I prefer the Cube controller for shooters. To be honest, I think the XBox controller is best for shooters. But that may have something to do with Halo being on that machine. Plus you couldn't play multiplayer on the PS2. There were 4 controllers hooked up to the Cube only one to the PS2. Wow, I'm spending entirely too much time on Rogue Agent. Especially since I might write a later blog entry about how much EA sucks.
The third time I went back to try the game, one of the Festa staff members was trying to get it working. He waded through menu screen after menu screen. I think he went through the same ones a few times over as well. That EA, they sure know how to craft a user friendly front end! He eventually got it working, but only in multiplayer. No one wanted to play with me. Not even Carla. So I gave it a go on my own. This game sucks. It sucks hard. This game looks like crap in mulitiplayer. Like a non-blurry N64 Goldeneye. That ain't a compliment. And it moves so slow! Slower than the N64 original. And when I say original, I do not intend to infer that Rogue Agent is in any way a sequel. No one who worked on the N64 game had anything to do with this piece of shit. This game has nothing to do with the movie. It is called Goldeneye because the main character, an evil guy, has a Golden eye. How fucking stupid is that? So yeah, the multiplayer plays worse than a seven year old game. How is that even possible? I mean, they could have just added some new characters to the N64 game, maybe a couple new weapons and speeded it up a bit and it would have been just fine. But no, they manage to fuck it up completely. From what I saw of the single player version, it fares only slightly better. The enemies seemed dim, and the animation was fairly crap. So bad. Fuck EA. Carla, who took pitty on me, picked up another controller and played for no more than 2 minutes before setting the controller back down and declaring that the game sucked ass. When the lady is right, she's right.
Let's lighten the mood a little. Halo 2 rocked. I'm sure a most of you already know that. Looked gorgeous. I only saw one instance of texture pop in, but who the fuck cares man, those grenade explosions are divine! And if they propel someone into a wall, where they realistically slide to the ground and crumple in all sorts of interesting ways, so much the better. And it controls like a dream. It wasn't configured to my liking at all, but still I was killing and evading like a pro. Only occasionally staring at the ground or the sky. I didn't play my best, in fact I out and out sucked my first round, but I did okay. That sword is awesome. As is double wielding. I didn't carjack anyone, nor did anyone else. Man, I can't wait to get home and have Seve smite me over and over and over in that game. The gaping chasm of quality between Halo 2 and the Bond game could not be bigger.
Dragon Quest 7 was there, but I didn't play any of the role playing games on offer because that is just too much reading and I read too damn slow. There were other SquareEnix games on offer, including one that no one was allowed to take pictures of. It was some kind of strategy card game starring super deformed versions of all sorts of characters form all sorts of Square and Enix games.
There was an Incredibles game for the GBA and one for the PS2. The GBA game looked like a run of the mill beat em up with a fairly limited arsenal of moves. The PS2 game looked really good and played fairly well. I beat up a bunch of goons in a very nice looking roof top level and then caught some explosives and threw them back at the flying bastards who had lobbed them at me. The I triggered a cinema that froze. So I slunk away. There was some kind of quasi Matrix-y looking game from Taito. It looked lame but fun. I didn't play it.
I played Rumble Roses. And I urge you all to do the same. Seriously. All of you who have access to a PS2, go play this game right now. This game makes Dead or Alive look tame. It is so over the top in its objectification of the female form that it's impossible to take seriously. So much jiggle. And the game engine under all the eye candy is pretty solid. You need to experience a mudwrestling match in skimpy bikinis. Every time there is an excuse for the camera to zoom into one of the girls' crotch or chest area, it does. Man. It almost makes me want to get a PS2 when I get back home. Almost.
I've gone on for a fair bit here, and Carla and I have an excursion planned for tomorrow so maybe I will split this coverage into two parts, maybe more.
I guess that's all for now. Tune in next time where I will bitch about Metal Gear Solid!
As I mentioned on my other site, the first game I tried out was one from Sega called kimi no tame nara shineru. Loosely translated, it means "I would die for you". The American title is Feel the Magic: XX/XY or somesuch. And it was good. As were the shirts that the people wore to promote the game. As was the cute Japanese girl who whispered words of encouragement as I tried to get the guy in the game to vomit up goldfish. She clapped when I succeeded. That made me happy.
The game was harder than I was expecting, mainly because the people in line in front of me didn't seem to have nearly the problems I did. Maybe because I held the stylus funny, I don't know. I still had fun. The DS, I am willing to state right now, will be pantloads of fun.
While I was waiting in line to play the DS, (the DS games had the biggest lines in the show. Followed closely, or tied, by Capcom's Biohazard 4 and Devil May Cry 3) I looked at some of the other games on display around where I was standing. There was some kind of RPG that looked cute and good, full of hand drawn sprite-y goodness. Shining Tears it may have been called. Next to that were some Altered Beast demo units. I meant to go back and play them later but I never did. Looked like a 3-D beat-em-up with gruesome CG transformation cut scenes. There was some Outrun 2 which I also didn't play and some fighting games that I also didn't play. Wow, I really didn't play a lot of Sega games, really only the one, because it will be released on a Nintendo system. Man, Kelly must hate me right now. To be fair, I meant to go back and play Altered Beast, and I didn't want to be embarrassed in front of elite Japanese haxxorz when I suxxored at Outrun 2 and the 2-D fighters. I didn't want to loose face.
Opposite all these Sega games were a whole lot of EA games and a dating simulation game. I didn't play the dating sim, but one time when I looked over, an anime girl in a short skirt was sitting on some guy's face. Looked like fun. Anyhoo, EA had a fair few games on display. The Lord of the Rings RPG was there. It looked nice, from what I could see when other people played it. I didn't play it myself, as the menu screens were full of kanji that I couldn't read. There was Need For Speed Underground 2 which looked much like the first. I wasn't interested in the first one either. Burnout 3 was there, but I own that game. It rocks. I meant to play that game at some point during the day as well. Then there were a lot of sports games. Then there was Goldeneye: Rogue Agent. It was playable on both the PS2 and the Gamecube. Every other game in the whole hall had line ups except for the Rogue Agent demo units. I know that the Japanese aren't all that fond of First Person Shooters, but this was kind of ridiculous. Plus, as I later saw, the Halo2 section of Demo units always had a line and all 5 of their machines were always in use.
I'm gonna break from strict chronology here. You see, I didn't play Goldeneye: Rogue Agent right away, Carla and I wandered the floor after the Sega DS game (BUY IT!). I came back to Rogue Agent (I refuse to call it Goldeneye) much later in the day. I'm gonna talk about it now though, because it was easily the worst game I played all day and I don't want it bothering me later.
So yeah, when I went back to play it the first time, the Cube version wasn't working. It was on some kind of error message and no combination of button pushing would get it to do anything. Maybe I am a bit biased, but I think the GameCube is the most stable console on the market right now. The PS2, and my feelings towards it are fairly well known. I think it sucks. I think PS2s are manufactured with built in obsolescence. And not the regular, "Have to buy the PS3!" obsolescence, but having to buy multiple PS2s cuz they crap out obsolescence. The XBox is flaky as well. I've lost count of the number of demo units I've seen in game stores with error messages on their screens. The GameCube is not without it's faults but it's a sturdier piece of hardware. I'm willing to bet that the error message from the Rogue Agent game had nothing to do with a malfunction in the Cube. Rather, it was some crap code that EA missed cuz they shit out crap product. Or maybe there wasn't a memory card inserted. EA, unlike every other publisher/developer out there can't seem to figure out how to make their games run without memory cards. It's fucking annoying.
The second time I went back, it was stuck on a different screen.
Why didn't I play the PS2 version? Because I am biased, that's why. Plus I prefer the Cube controller for shooters. To be honest, I think the XBox controller is best for shooters. But that may have something to do with Halo being on that machine. Plus you couldn't play multiplayer on the PS2. There were 4 controllers hooked up to the Cube only one to the PS2. Wow, I'm spending entirely too much time on Rogue Agent. Especially since I might write a later blog entry about how much EA sucks.
The third time I went back to try the game, one of the Festa staff members was trying to get it working. He waded through menu screen after menu screen. I think he went through the same ones a few times over as well. That EA, they sure know how to craft a user friendly front end! He eventually got it working, but only in multiplayer. No one wanted to play with me. Not even Carla. So I gave it a go on my own. This game sucks. It sucks hard. This game looks like crap in mulitiplayer. Like a non-blurry N64 Goldeneye. That ain't a compliment. And it moves so slow! Slower than the N64 original. And when I say original, I do not intend to infer that Rogue Agent is in any way a sequel. No one who worked on the N64 game had anything to do with this piece of shit. This game has nothing to do with the movie. It is called Goldeneye because the main character, an evil guy, has a Golden eye. How fucking stupid is that? So yeah, the multiplayer plays worse than a seven year old game. How is that even possible? I mean, they could have just added some new characters to the N64 game, maybe a couple new weapons and speeded it up a bit and it would have been just fine. But no, they manage to fuck it up completely. From what I saw of the single player version, it fares only slightly better. The enemies seemed dim, and the animation was fairly crap. So bad. Fuck EA. Carla, who took pitty on me, picked up another controller and played for no more than 2 minutes before setting the controller back down and declaring that the game sucked ass. When the lady is right, she's right.
Let's lighten the mood a little. Halo 2 rocked. I'm sure a most of you already know that. Looked gorgeous. I only saw one instance of texture pop in, but who the fuck cares man, those grenade explosions are divine! And if they propel someone into a wall, where they realistically slide to the ground and crumple in all sorts of interesting ways, so much the better. And it controls like a dream. It wasn't configured to my liking at all, but still I was killing and evading like a pro. Only occasionally staring at the ground or the sky. I didn't play my best, in fact I out and out sucked my first round, but I did okay. That sword is awesome. As is double wielding. I didn't carjack anyone, nor did anyone else. Man, I can't wait to get home and have Seve smite me over and over and over in that game. The gaping chasm of quality between Halo 2 and the Bond game could not be bigger.
Dragon Quest 7 was there, but I didn't play any of the role playing games on offer because that is just too much reading and I read too damn slow. There were other SquareEnix games on offer, including one that no one was allowed to take pictures of. It was some kind of strategy card game starring super deformed versions of all sorts of characters form all sorts of Square and Enix games.
There was an Incredibles game for the GBA and one for the PS2. The GBA game looked like a run of the mill beat em up with a fairly limited arsenal of moves. The PS2 game looked really good and played fairly well. I beat up a bunch of goons in a very nice looking roof top level and then caught some explosives and threw them back at the flying bastards who had lobbed them at me. The I triggered a cinema that froze. So I slunk away. There was some kind of quasi Matrix-y looking game from Taito. It looked lame but fun. I didn't play it.
I played Rumble Roses. And I urge you all to do the same. Seriously. All of you who have access to a PS2, go play this game right now. This game makes Dead or Alive look tame. It is so over the top in its objectification of the female form that it's impossible to take seriously. So much jiggle. And the game engine under all the eye candy is pretty solid. You need to experience a mudwrestling match in skimpy bikinis. Every time there is an excuse for the camera to zoom into one of the girls' crotch or chest area, it does. Man. It almost makes me want to get a PS2 when I get back home. Almost.
I've gone on for a fair bit here, and Carla and I have an excursion planned for tomorrow so maybe I will split this coverage into two parts, maybe more.
I guess that's all for now. Tune in next time where I will bitch about Metal Gear Solid!
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Perverted Ramblings
Dear God. I mean seriously.
The girls here (not all of them) wear their skirts so damn short. They have to be a certain length during school hours, but once they leave school grounds, they just hike em up to nearly their armpits. It is a wonderful sight.
Carla and I were walking around Kyoto, enjoying the lovely weather and enjoying the sights. We were walking along a pleasant little stream. We approached a corner, and that was where I saw it: a schoolgirl foot. As we walked closer, the leg came in to view and what a wondrous leg it was! Pale, smooth, unmarred, unblemished. We kept walking, more and more of the leg was revealed. How far up is this leg going to go? I wondered to myself. ALL THE WAY UP! My mind nearly shot out my nose as I saw the gentle curve of her thigh melt into the glorious calypigian roundness of her behind. She was sitting on the ground, knees bent, skirt only long enough to protect her ass from the ground, but not my gaze.
But it got better, she was sitting and chatting with her friend. Her friend who was also wearing a short skirt. Her friend who was sitting with her feet on the ground, knees sharply bent, legs wide open. Her friend who didn't seem to realize what she was shareing with the world. Or, even better, she did know and got off on that knowledge. I can now understand the Japanese male's obsession with undergarments.
I always think that I have pictures of what I saw, so burned into my mind's eye are they. But I don't. But the memories will last a lifetime.
I know I sound like a complete perv, but I don't fucking care. I saw what I saw and I liked what I saw and there is nothing I can do to change it. Listen to me, defending myself. I must be getting old.
The girls here (not all of them) wear their skirts so damn short. They have to be a certain length during school hours, but once they leave school grounds, they just hike em up to nearly their armpits. It is a wonderful sight.
Carla and I were walking around Kyoto, enjoying the lovely weather and enjoying the sights. We were walking along a pleasant little stream. We approached a corner, and that was where I saw it: a schoolgirl foot. As we walked closer, the leg came in to view and what a wondrous leg it was! Pale, smooth, unmarred, unblemished. We kept walking, more and more of the leg was revealed. How far up is this leg going to go? I wondered to myself. ALL THE WAY UP! My mind nearly shot out my nose as I saw the gentle curve of her thigh melt into the glorious calypigian roundness of her behind. She was sitting on the ground, knees bent, skirt only long enough to protect her ass from the ground, but not my gaze.
But it got better, she was sitting and chatting with her friend. Her friend who was also wearing a short skirt. Her friend who was sitting with her feet on the ground, knees sharply bent, legs wide open. Her friend who didn't seem to realize what she was shareing with the world. Or, even better, she did know and got off on that knowledge. I can now understand the Japanese male's obsession with undergarments.
I always think that I have pictures of what I saw, so burned into my mind's eye are they. But I don't. But the memories will last a lifetime.
I know I sound like a complete perv, but I don't fucking care. I saw what I saw and I liked what I saw and there is nothing I can do to change it. Listen to me, defending myself. I must be getting old.
Flin Florn and Flarn
I seem to be like the Star Trek movie with my recent blog novel or "Blovel" updates. The Even Ones (of which there is only one) are good, whilst the Odd Ones (unfortunately, there are twice as many) are less so. This irks me. What irks me even more is that I have no idea where the hell the story is going. I have a few ideas of what I might do next, but I don't think I like any of them. Here are my options so far: Lucky finds a switch that lowers a section of the stable floor down into a futuristic tunnel. Lucky is awoken by someone who thinks he is Steve/Dave. Lucky goes back out into the storm, Peaches knows the way. Jane finds Lucky in the stable and wither fucks or shoots him, maybe both. Lucky wakes up in some other time and place entirely.
A fair few options, I just don't know which one, if any, I am going to choose.
A fair few options, I just don't know which one, if any, I am going to choose.
Wherein The Plot Gets Lost, Maybe
"Hey Peaches." Lucky said as he patted his horse's muzzle. The horse made a happy noise. Lucky smiled, though it hurt his nose to do so.
"It's a good thing you came along when you did, Peaches, these legs o' mine are filled with a fair bit of hurt." The horse, who Lucky couldn't really see on account of the storm, flipped Lucky's hand off of it's nose and sounded a dismissive snort. "You heard that did ya?" Lucky said as his face turned a little pink. "Sorry Peaches, you know how I can carry on sometimes."
The horse didn't 'say' anything in return, it just stuck its head under Lucky's armpit and nudged him upwards. Lucky slowly took to his feet, feeling the pain howl through his lower legs. "mph." he said, not wanting to upset his horse. The horse licked his left ear affectionately. "Thanks, but what I really need for you to do is kneel down for me, these legs can barely keep me standing. They ain't gonna let me hop on your back."
The horse did as it was asked and Lucky eased himself onto its back. "Oh man! That's worlds better!" Lucky collapsed forward, eyes closed, enjoying the fleeing of the pain. He patted Peaches' neck. I don't know how you found me, buddy, but I'm glad you did. Maybe you can find us a place to wait this (Lucky's first word choice was bitch, but he demurred) storm out." Before he was even finished talking, Peaches was moving.
It was an odd feeling, the horse moving underneath him. Lucky remembered being nearly raised on horseback, but those memories seemed almost unreal. The muscles working beneath him uncovered old memories, just to have them blown away with the wind. Lucky sat up and gave his head a shake. "It seems like you know where you're going."
The wind died down just enough for Lucky to see Peaches' head motion ahead and to the right. Lucky hoped maybe the storm was dying down, but the wind picked right up again, nearly tearing him of his horse's back.
A few minutes later they were out of the wind. Peaches had brought them into a stable. Just like in the bar, the wind and dust and grit seemed to stop at the door.
Lucky was debating whether or not to get down when Peaches made the decision for him. The horse kneeled down and turned its head to look at Lucky. "Right." Lucky gingerly dismounted and was relieved to find that the pain was much more bearable. He wouldn't be sprinting any time soon, but he could walk fair enough. As soon as Lucky was off, Peaches stood up, shook out it's mane and cantered over to a dead horse. Peaches gave Lucky a meaningful look and then began tearing into the horse's guts.
"Looks like you've been busy." remarked Lucky as he walked over to join his horse. "Real busy." as he saw the other two horse corpses. One of the horses had been hitched to a railing, so its head was stretched out at a most unpleasant looking angle. It was fairly obvious that these horses belonged to the posse that had found Lucky in the bar. One (the hitched) looked like it's owner didn't take good care of it, one looked like it's back was bowed and one (the one being eaten) just plain looked like a dick. "I understand that one," Lucky indicated the jerk horse with his head, "but did you have to kill these other two?" Most people have never seen a horse shrug. Lucky was not one of those people.
Lucky hunkered down on his haunches, inhaled sharply, then plopped his butt on the earthen floor. He went through all the saddle bags. Nothing all that terribly useful. A bit more money, some bullets, a slightly chewed chunk of jerky. Lucky packed away his findings then set out to look around the place a bit. It wasn't all that big a building: four stalls, two on either side, two large, open spaces, one on each side of the stalls, one filled with a few dead horses, the other one empty but for hay. Other than outside the only place left to check was up in the loft, and Lucky's shins didn't welcome the idea of going up or down that ladder. Lucky's stomach didn't much relish the thought of staying down on the ground with Peaches gnawing away and that horse with its awkward angled head and dead staring eyes.
"Fuck it." said Lucky, in his head. He started up the ladder, quite relieved to find that his legs didn't hurt near as bad as his shins had led him to believe they would. He found three bedrolls up in the loft, along with some masticated corn cobs, plenty of cigar stumps and cigarette butts, and a half full flask of unpleasant tasting hooch.
"Why the hell were they camped out up here?"
Lucky thought the best way to get to the bottom of all this was to sleep on it, so he finished of the flask in one great gulp, rolled himself up in Steve/Dave's bed, and closed his eyes.
"It's a good thing you came along when you did, Peaches, these legs o' mine are filled with a fair bit of hurt." The horse, who Lucky couldn't really see on account of the storm, flipped Lucky's hand off of it's nose and sounded a dismissive snort. "You heard that did ya?" Lucky said as his face turned a little pink. "Sorry Peaches, you know how I can carry on sometimes."
The horse didn't 'say' anything in return, it just stuck its head under Lucky's armpit and nudged him upwards. Lucky slowly took to his feet, feeling the pain howl through his lower legs. "mph." he said, not wanting to upset his horse. The horse licked his left ear affectionately. "Thanks, but what I really need for you to do is kneel down for me, these legs can barely keep me standing. They ain't gonna let me hop on your back."
The horse did as it was asked and Lucky eased himself onto its back. "Oh man! That's worlds better!" Lucky collapsed forward, eyes closed, enjoying the fleeing of the pain. He patted Peaches' neck. I don't know how you found me, buddy, but I'm glad you did. Maybe you can find us a place to wait this (Lucky's first word choice was bitch, but he demurred) storm out." Before he was even finished talking, Peaches was moving.
It was an odd feeling, the horse moving underneath him. Lucky remembered being nearly raised on horseback, but those memories seemed almost unreal. The muscles working beneath him uncovered old memories, just to have them blown away with the wind. Lucky sat up and gave his head a shake. "It seems like you know where you're going."
The wind died down just enough for Lucky to see Peaches' head motion ahead and to the right. Lucky hoped maybe the storm was dying down, but the wind picked right up again, nearly tearing him of his horse's back.
A few minutes later they were out of the wind. Peaches had brought them into a stable. Just like in the bar, the wind and dust and grit seemed to stop at the door.
Lucky was debating whether or not to get down when Peaches made the decision for him. The horse kneeled down and turned its head to look at Lucky. "Right." Lucky gingerly dismounted and was relieved to find that the pain was much more bearable. He wouldn't be sprinting any time soon, but he could walk fair enough. As soon as Lucky was off, Peaches stood up, shook out it's mane and cantered over to a dead horse. Peaches gave Lucky a meaningful look and then began tearing into the horse's guts.
"Looks like you've been busy." remarked Lucky as he walked over to join his horse. "Real busy." as he saw the other two horse corpses. One of the horses had been hitched to a railing, so its head was stretched out at a most unpleasant looking angle. It was fairly obvious that these horses belonged to the posse that had found Lucky in the bar. One (the hitched) looked like it's owner didn't take good care of it, one looked like it's back was bowed and one (the one being eaten) just plain looked like a dick. "I understand that one," Lucky indicated the jerk horse with his head, "but did you have to kill these other two?" Most people have never seen a horse shrug. Lucky was not one of those people.
Lucky hunkered down on his haunches, inhaled sharply, then plopped his butt on the earthen floor. He went through all the saddle bags. Nothing all that terribly useful. A bit more money, some bullets, a slightly chewed chunk of jerky. Lucky packed away his findings then set out to look around the place a bit. It wasn't all that big a building: four stalls, two on either side, two large, open spaces, one on each side of the stalls, one filled with a few dead horses, the other one empty but for hay. Other than outside the only place left to check was up in the loft, and Lucky's shins didn't welcome the idea of going up or down that ladder. Lucky's stomach didn't much relish the thought of staying down on the ground with Peaches gnawing away and that horse with its awkward angled head and dead staring eyes.
"Fuck it." said Lucky, in his head. He started up the ladder, quite relieved to find that his legs didn't hurt near as bad as his shins had led him to believe they would. He found three bedrolls up in the loft, along with some masticated corn cobs, plenty of cigar stumps and cigarette butts, and a half full flask of unpleasant tasting hooch.
"Why the hell were they camped out up here?"
Lucky thought the best way to get to the bottom of all this was to sleep on it, so he finished of the flask in one great gulp, rolled himself up in Steve/Dave's bed, and closed his eyes.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Better, Maybe
See, that's what I like about writing. I just kinda started typing, with a very vague idea of what I wanted to say, of what I wanted to happen, and all sorts of other shit came out. I'd talk about the cool shit I mean, but this post will come before the post I'm talking about so I will ruin it for whoever reads this chronologically. Which is not that many people, but I am nothing if not considerate. I'll talk about the Wherein Doubts are Had bit as an example instead. That whole waking up naked in a military base popped into my head as I was typing out the sentence. Hell, other than the fact that Lucky was going to have doubts about leaving the bar, I had nothing else in my brain. (oh fuck it, I'm gonna talk about the wherein I just just wrote)SPOILER!! That part with all the Fucks in the last bit, totally came out of nowhere. END SPOILER!! I'm not all that pleased so far with the way I'm handling the plot so far, but I like all my little asides. Of course those will be what pisses most people off, I'd wager. But I'm having fun. I like writing. Which comes in handy when trying to write a novel in a month.
Wherein Fuck Is Used More Than Once
Still, there was a chance that Lucky might end up back in the bar. And not after he makes a heroic return, having vanquished whatever Great Evil is plaguing this land either. There was a good chance that Lucky might've stumbled back into the bar whilst wandering blindly through the dust storm.
Not to say that there was a Great Evil plaguing this land. Lucky had no idea if there was or wasn't, but he was leaning towards was. It just seemed to always happen that Lucky found himself in the position of being the one to stand in the face of Great Evil. And of him being lucky enough to make it out of said position alive. Lucky couldn't count how much evil he had vanquished. Partly because he had a very spotty memory. And partly because as soon as he began thinking of such things, his mind invariably started debating with itself about the nature of evil; of how maybe Lucky himself was the evil one and all the people he killed were not so bad really, once you got to know them. And partly because he really had vanquished a lot of evil.
Still, Lucky had no idea what to do with himself. His only option, as far as he could reckon, was to walk. It didn't matter what direction, since the wind would knock him off any course he might vainly choose. Mindlessly walking had served him well. Sure, it usually brought him into the path of the aforementioned Evil, but it also brought him back out again relatively unscathed.
So Lucky started walking. One foot in front of the other. Fairly big strides. He wasn't the type to inch forward. The wind blew him this way and that. It tugged at his clothes, his guns, his/Dave's/Steve's hat. Lucky tried to pay it no mind. Which was not a problem as his mind was dwelling on other things. On Jane's lap, on Steve being a Dave and/or vice versa, on half memories and fragments of other lives and other times. His mind was so far away that he didn't notice how much his shin hurt until his nose was bleeding.
Lucky's shin had run right into the boardwalk, and Lucky's momentum pitched him forward, nose first onto the walk. Lucky assumed it was a boardwalk, what with him being the old west and with it feeling like a bunch of boards beneath his sore face. He took a few moments to assess the situation and then took the course of action he thought most appropriate.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" He screamed as he rolled onto his back.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" He screamed as he sat up and began rubbing his shin, feeling it already beginning to swell.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" He screamed as he gingerly touched his nose, checking to see if it was broken.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" He screamed as he found that it was not.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" He screamed, not caring if Jane heard. No, to be truthful he did care a little but not near enough to stop screaming fuck.
In fact he would have kept screaming that world for a good long while if not for the wet pinkness that attacked his face.
Not to say that there was a Great Evil plaguing this land. Lucky had no idea if there was or wasn't, but he was leaning towards was. It just seemed to always happen that Lucky found himself in the position of being the one to stand in the face of Great Evil. And of him being lucky enough to make it out of said position alive. Lucky couldn't count how much evil he had vanquished. Partly because he had a very spotty memory. And partly because as soon as he began thinking of such things, his mind invariably started debating with itself about the nature of evil; of how maybe Lucky himself was the evil one and all the people he killed were not so bad really, once you got to know them. And partly because he really had vanquished a lot of evil.
Still, Lucky had no idea what to do with himself. His only option, as far as he could reckon, was to walk. It didn't matter what direction, since the wind would knock him off any course he might vainly choose. Mindlessly walking had served him well. Sure, it usually brought him into the path of the aforementioned Evil, but it also brought him back out again relatively unscathed.
So Lucky started walking. One foot in front of the other. Fairly big strides. He wasn't the type to inch forward. The wind blew him this way and that. It tugged at his clothes, his guns, his/Dave's/Steve's hat. Lucky tried to pay it no mind. Which was not a problem as his mind was dwelling on other things. On Jane's lap, on Steve being a Dave and/or vice versa, on half memories and fragments of other lives and other times. His mind was so far away that he didn't notice how much his shin hurt until his nose was bleeding.
Lucky's shin had run right into the boardwalk, and Lucky's momentum pitched him forward, nose first onto the walk. Lucky assumed it was a boardwalk, what with him being the old west and with it feeling like a bunch of boards beneath his sore face. He took a few moments to assess the situation and then took the course of action he thought most appropriate.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" He screamed as he rolled onto his back.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" He screamed as he sat up and began rubbing his shin, feeling it already beginning to swell.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" He screamed as he gingerly touched his nose, checking to see if it was broken.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" He screamed as he found that it was not.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" He screamed, not caring if Jane heard. No, to be truthful he did care a little but not near enough to stop screaming fuck.
In fact he would have kept screaming that world for a good long while if not for the wet pinkness that attacked his face.
Yeah... Sorry About That
That little bit of story (Wherein Doubts Are Had) wasn't that great and I'll be the first to admit it. The idea behind it still has some merit to it, I reckon. The hero of the story worrying about he will be perceived. I like that thought. If I would have just kept writing the story way back when the idea first occurred to me, I think it would have turned out better. But I took a long ass break and I forgot how goddamn tall this horse I have to get back on to is. Plus I'm allergic to horses. But no matter. Not that I think I will actually complete this story within the month, and not that I think this story will even be novel sized when done, but the spirit of this NaNoWriMo is to just say FUCK IT and keep writing. So I guess that is what I should do.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Wherein Doubts Are Had
Lucky strode with purpose into the storm. That purpose fled with the surroundings. Whithin seconds he was ensconced in swirling brown-ness. He turned around. The bar was no longer there. Oh, it was still there, Lucky just couldn't see it. This wasn't like that one time when the world tore itself down and then rebuilt itself in front of Lucky's horrified eyes. It took a week for his voice to come back, he screamed it away so violently. The next day Lucky had no voice and no recollection of why it had gone away. These two problems made explaining to the unpleasant men with guns why he was naked and inside a military base.
But getting back to this now, this now has almost nothing in common with that then. The world was not changing, it was just blowing a lot.
Lucky thought about retreating back to the relative safety of the bar. There was less wind in there. A conspicuous lack of wind, now that Lucky thought back on it. Why hadn't the saloon doors been blowing and banging in the wind? Why hadn't there been dust all over the place. These were interesting questions and Lucky very much wanted to find out the answers to them. By sitting inside the non-blowy, non-dusty bar. Preferably close to Jane. Jane's lap was warm. Lucky missed it something fierce, in spite of the fact that he had only just met her. Thinking of Jane brought another thought to his mind.
"I left the bar looking like such a bad ass." Lucky said to the wind. "Iconic. I can't just scamper back in there complaining about a little wind. Fuck." Lucky half hoped that the wind was swallowing up his words half hoped that it was carrying them straight to Jane's ears. He whole hoped that she would come running through those doors oddly unaffected by the storm and yell after him. Beg him to stay a spell.
But she didn't.
"Still," Lucky thought out loud, "maybe walking back in there wouldn't look that bad. Maybe even laugh about it later. Her and I, naked, content in the afterglow. Drinking and laughing, glad and embarrassed that I came back. Fuck."
But Lucky knew that he wouldn't stroll back into the bar, he had his pride. He had chosen a path of action and he wasn't going to turn from it so quickly.
Plus he had no idea how to get back to where he so longed to be.
But getting back to this now, this now has almost nothing in common with that then. The world was not changing, it was just blowing a lot.
Lucky thought about retreating back to the relative safety of the bar. There was less wind in there. A conspicuous lack of wind, now that Lucky thought back on it. Why hadn't the saloon doors been blowing and banging in the wind? Why hadn't there been dust all over the place. These were interesting questions and Lucky very much wanted to find out the answers to them. By sitting inside the non-blowy, non-dusty bar. Preferably close to Jane. Jane's lap was warm. Lucky missed it something fierce, in spite of the fact that he had only just met her. Thinking of Jane brought another thought to his mind.
"I left the bar looking like such a bad ass." Lucky said to the wind. "Iconic. I can't just scamper back in there complaining about a little wind. Fuck." Lucky half hoped that the wind was swallowing up his words half hoped that it was carrying them straight to Jane's ears. He whole hoped that she would come running through those doors oddly unaffected by the storm and yell after him. Beg him to stay a spell.
But she didn't.
"Still," Lucky thought out loud, "maybe walking back in there wouldn't look that bad. Maybe even laugh about it later. Her and I, naked, content in the afterglow. Drinking and laughing, glad and embarrassed that I came back. Fuck."
But Lucky knew that he wouldn't stroll back into the bar, he had his pride. He had chosen a path of action and he wasn't going to turn from it so quickly.
Plus he had no idea how to get back to where he so longed to be.
See Below
It is now officially National Novel writing Month or NaNoWriMo. I figured that since I already had a story started on this here site, I might as well use NaNoWriMo as an excuse to do some more work on it. Just to refresh your memory, seeing as I've been lax with the new story bits, all new bits of story shall have a title of "Wherein..." Fer instance, right after this post, I shall knock off the next chunk o' prose and it shall be called "Wherein Doubts Are Had." and it will be universally hailed as where my story turned to shit. I have no idea what I'm doing here, guys. This will be total seat of the pants improv. Try not to throw sharp things at me.
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