Saturday, June 19, 2004


I've been meaning to blog since about Tuesday. But, obviously, I have not. I have not been in the best of moods. My job is basically done. Which I find oddly saddening and maddening in equal amounts. I mean I had planned on taking a year off from work starting around now, so it really couldn't have worked out better for me. But. But.... But I don't like the thought of being replaced by a machine, of being made obsolete. I was working when they packed up the hard drive that will take the place of me and four others. About the size of a 20" TV. That bothered me.

What also bothers me is the fact that the traffic and promotions people (the people in charge of making sure all the shows get filled up with commercials and such) are so upset about losing their jobs. I'm good at my job, therefore I have reason to be upset about losing mine. They suck. They are horrible. They are incapable of doing their jobs with any small degree of competency. They should have been jobless years ago. Fuck them. Fuck them in their stupid asses.

See, that's me being bitter. Grrrrrr! (picture me scowling and shaking my fist) I don't mean to be quite so bitter. But Carla is in Newfoundland, so that makes me a sad panda. Put these two things together, and man o man, this week is full of the suck.

I know! I'll end this post and star a new one, a happier, more uplifting one.

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