Friday, December 05, 2003

Saw Reign of Fire The Other Day

Slightly better than I was expecting, but my expectations were quite slight to begin with. The little touches were nice. The Star Wars play, the flaming drool, the attempt at shoe horning dragons into our history. But I didn't like the way that, half way through the movie Woody Harrelson comes along and says, "There's an Uber Dragon, if we kill it we kill 'em all." Or words to that effect, but gruffer. Just kind of comes out of left field. And, really, just one male dragon on the WHOLE PLANET? That just doesn't make sense. And how did humanity defeat such a formidable foe during the dark/middle ages? Or were they just myths then?, that wasn't all that clear.

The dragons looked really cool, though. Really nice looking Dragons.


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