Thursday, November 20, 2003


I hate the media. I just saw a news story about the horrors of Grand Theft Auto. Let me quote the nice, trustworthy newslady, "Players must beat up prostitutes, run over pedestrians, and kill as many people as possible to get the highest score." God damn does that piss me off. Change one word and that would be a true statement. Must. MUST. There ain't no must about it. The game doesn't force you to beat up prostitutes, run over pedestrians and kill as many people as possible. That option is there. If you choose that option, you will most likely end up dead, but it IS an option. If she had said GTA is a game where players CAN beat up....." she would be right. As it stands, she is very much wrong. The story then went on to detail how popular the game is with young kids never once mentioning that it is rated M and is not meant to be played by children. Cuz that would be telling the whole story.

People suck.

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